Wednesday, March 11, 2009


walao eh!!!
i ju lai ju beh tong to this company ad!!!
malay can late to work and back early with giving any suck reason!!! but
we (only chinese and indian) cant!!!
saya punya atuk sakit
* saya punya bapa sudah datang
* saya punya kakak sudah datang!!!

besides that she can get off day on saturday and also mc on valentine day

what is the reason lerh??

saya ada khusus!!!!

fuck!! pmr cert people got khusus!!!

*7E in pmr result!!!

hmm.. another things...

our company reduce our commission!!!

no matter wat plan u do, the commission only RM5, they said our sales very bad mak company rugi.. they are calling us to et sand.. they dunno how hard penang market is.. hmm.. not bad larh ho, they treat us..

when v get a good result, dun have any bonus or wat else.. hmm

chinese new year bo ang pao

bo annual dinner for penang staff

thanks for your to give me a good work experience while i m waiting spm result!!!!!


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